Virtual Use-Cases

Renewable Energy based seasonal Storage Technology in Order to Raise Economic and environmental sustainability of DHC

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Use Case I deals with a residential and industrial DH with biomass and solar collectors in Denmark

  • Use Case Area of Application: district heating for the city of Brønderslev, biomass and solar collectors as renewable technologies to provide heat to the district.
  • Expected goals to be achieved: maximization of renewable energy integration in the district and optimum waste heat utilization from local industry for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity.

Use Case I Show Details
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Use Case II deals with the integration of different heat sources into DH of a cement factory in Austria

  • Use Case Area of Application: analysis of potential configurations of integrating the RESTORE technology into the cement production plant and its relation to the neighbouring heat consumers.
  • Expected goals for achievement: maximization of renewable energy integration and optimum WEH utilization from the factory for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity using RESTORE.
Use Case II Show Details
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Use Case II deals with the integration of different heat sources into DH of a cement factory in Austria

  • Use Case Area of Application: analysis of potential configurations of integrating the RESTORE technology into the cement production plant and its relation to the neighbouring heat consumers.
  • Expected goals for achievement: maximization of renewable energy integration and optimum WEH utilization from the factory for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity using RESTORE.
Use Case III Show Details
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Use Case II deals with the integration of different heat sources into DH of a cement factory in Austria

  • Use Case Area of Application: analysis of potential configurations of integrating the RESTORE technology into the cement production plant and its relation to the neighbouring heat consumers.
  • Expected goals for achievement: maximization of renewable energy integration and optimum WEH utilization from the factory for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity using RESTORE.
Use Case IV Show Details
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Use Case II deals with the integration of different heat sources into DH of a cement factory in Austria

  • Use Case Area of Application: analysis of potential configurations of integrating the RESTORE technology into the cement production plant and its relation to the neighbouring heat consumers.
  • Expected goals for achievement: maximization of renewable energy integration and optimum WEH utilization from the factory for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity using RESTORE.
Use Case V Show Details
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Use Case II deals with the integration of different heat sources into DH of a cement factory in Austria

  • Use Case Area of Application: analysis of potential configurations of integrating the RESTORE technology into the cement production plant and its relation to the neighbouring heat consumers.
  • Expected goals for achievement: maximization of renewable energy integration and optimum WEH utilization from the factory for highly efficient seasonal storage of electricity using RESTORE.
Use Case VI Show Details